Saturday, October 30, 2010

holy American Gods party, Batman!

it's Halloween over here...


in which our hero gets an idea of what is in store for him as costume contest judge, i did really feel for him.

oh Fame & Fortune, you were among my favorites...

is that the fake Alan Moore?

the oh-so-accurate god of Walmart consumerism...

Quiche Me Deadly & Joan of Dark, our roller derby queens...

the Mistress & Mister of Mouse:

the Mikado...

outstanding effort of excellence, "the what-librarians-do-when-off-the-clock" duo, with get-ups made of books...
truly winners on my scorecard...I whistled them 'til I was hoarse.

oh Islington, you angel you...

(one of) Neil's HUgo Award(s)----delightful!

this aligator moved in a way that was truly frightening to this kitty cat.

was also fairly frightened by this window...

going back to hotel on the school bus...with the buffalo people...


  1. Totally amazing. The costumes and all the effort people have gone to!

  2. Awesome! Did you ride the carousel?

  3. It was an unbelievable event all around. Ben didn't want to enter the costume contest so none of us did but he didn't want to leave. We didn't get back to the hotel until after midnight. Even on CA time that's late for him!!

    Oh, and Kitty, I found them!! They were in by the carousel looking for me. I had to walk around asking everyone, "Have you seen Cthuluh and a little Black Knight?"

    It's very easy to lose people in HOTR!

  4. Thanks for posting the pics! I'm the clown behind Alan Moore. Now I have a picture of Neil taking my picture. Truely, a rare family heirloom! :)

  5. back at Quiche's headquarters, there are rollerpeoples, dogs, cats, werewolves, a Viking and a Webgoblin to boot! we are all still in a bit of a haze of the amazing weekend, happy Halloween, you sweeties!

  6. I put together a Flickr group page so we can all share videos and pics from this weekend! As soon as I locate my elusive camera cord, I'll upload my pics, too. You have some fantastic pics! I'd love to get all the contributions we can- no one can be everywhere at once. :D

  7. thanks for posting some pictures kitty. it looks like it was amazing. i love how creative people are with costumes:)

  8. Thanks for posting photos! I've been hunting all over the internet for some, and these are great. And imagine my glee when the first photo of this entry is one of me and my boyfriend as Jacquel and Ibis! ^___^

  9. lady puck, very nice.

    also, those dead eyed dolls are creepy.

  10. lady puck, you two were brilliant! i hope there is a video of your flourishing entrance, it was genius. Today i will hope to finish putting up photos and videos, and i will explore the flikr page as well!

  11. The scariness of the Alligator to the Kitty makes me wonder if you have heard the song Alligator in the House:

    Scared of Alligators,


  12. Hey Kitty! I was one of the "librarians" (the redheaded one). We're so glad you liked our costumes! Not winning the carousel ride was a bit of a disappointment, but consolation hugs from Neil afterward made it worth it. XD Thanks for the pics!

  13. Hi Kitty! thank you for sharing...I wish i coulda gone, but saved up for another upcoming ticket to my maternal homeland, the Parishes. Was especially happy to see Mistress Mousy in the Housey. (She's anything but mousy, but she does have a cute squeak!)

  14. ps anyone scared of 'gators shouldn't go to the land of Parishes. And they would really not have liked that I swam with our pet 'gator, Herman, until he got too big ... about 6' long!

  15. oh my librarian ladies, I shall post some more photos, but you DID shush the crowd, which i know was part of the schtick, but he was judging on VOLUME!! hahaha

    as for Alligators, am not afraid of the REAL ones, just the way that particular one moved...oh man! YIKES!

    and yes, MMousey is MistressFOXY!

  16. Amazing! I love Halloween! Dressing up is so much fun! So many lose sight of the fun costumes can be and focus on the skanky... blech. Love the photos! :)

  17. Ahaha, well I suppose we figured that, being the rowdy bunch they were, they would take our shushing as a sign to just scream even louder! I guess the irony was lost on them though.

  18. Aw, thanks Kitty and Vampi.

    And yes, that alligator-devourer of souls was ABSOLUTELY terrifying.
