Friday, February 11, 2011

a benefit auction for our friend, miss Wendy--

Our dear friend Wendy was recently involved in an accident on the treacherous Los Angeles freeways--
& her medical bills are gruesome.

We are throwing a benefit for her this week. People have gathered together items and we have posted them over on HERE for a view. Thanks to Connie F. who makes this comment:
"May I remind everyone (because I am an idiot and assume I can't be the only one) ~ you have to "like" this page before you can comment (thus, bid) on anything. Took me a few to figure that out. My apologies to those of you who knew this already!"

Connie, dear, you are no idiot, i didn't even realize that. Thanks for pointing it out!
I will put a few of the items for sale below.

Neil has graciously signed a few items for the cause:

he signed some of the HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS AT PARTIES prints:

Nancye from Moxie Rx in Portland, Oregon has donated six dozen cookies to six different bidders--
i WILL be bidding on a dozen of these gems:

Kitty's glass candy bar comic book rescue magnets, a set of 2 Xmen panels from 1985, bidding starts at $5.oo:

to find more of these:

from the oh-so-talented Cyn Moore , a piece of original artwork.
Title: Boldness
Size: 8.5" X 6"
Mixed media encaustic on found bookcover ...
This is a better investment than Apple stock in the eighties...
bidding starts at $20

even Charm City Baltimore got involved, with this trio of signed books by John Waters from the fine people at Atomic Books:

go take a look! there are many various items up for sale: guitars & pedals, boots, shoes, figs, jewelry, even a beach cruiser bike up for auction. We will be taking bids on the Facebook page until Friday Feb 18th, and then having the silent auction at Cha Cha in Silverlake at 5:30 pm Friday night--if you are in LA area, come by and see us. But safely!
Cha Cha Lounge
2375 Glendale Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90039-3245
(323) 660-7595

and lastly, here is the paypal button to donate directly to Wen, even five dollars will be helpful.

here's Wendy in better times, without the broken-in-two-places wrist:

"If only people could know that a life of goodness, no matter how modest, will lead to an eternity of unparalleled bliss, they would ask themselves why they did not do more good while they were on Earth. One act of kindness in this world is repaid tenfold in the next..."

taken from The Laws of Eternity by Ryucho Okawa

in gratitude,


  1. I could do with some of those cookies!
    I'll see what I can do for your friend.

  2. you, mlle, have always been a kind supporter.
    in fact, i got a package from you today!!
    limoncello = heavenly.
    if you look in this blogpost, i just p.s. added a little sign-off note, it applies directly to you-
    thank you for all you do, Nat-a-law.
    oxox Kit

  3. Eeek! That looks scary. Glad to see your friend is still standing. Best wishes for quick recovery, and I'll see what I can do..

  4. so! to amend the whole facebook thing, Connie has a great point with this comment, which i will go back in and put on the blog:
    "May I remind everyone (because I am an idiot and assume I can't be the only one) ~ you have to "like" this page before you can comment (thus, bid) on anything. Took me a few to figure that out. My apologies to those of you who knew this already!"

    Kitty again, DOH. hahah i didn't even know that. I just liked it.

  5. Is it too late to offer something to put into the auction?

  6. not too late, lovely!
    contact me:

  7. So are the items on Facebook the items at the silent auction in LA? If so, that puts those of us on the East Coast who can only bid from afar at a decided disadvantage. I'm just sayin'. :-) I shall certainly look to the PayPal button at the bottom of this post should I not win any tangible items.

  8. Jean,
    I think we can close the items that have met the bids and send them off to bidders--we have loads of stuff for the in-town peeps. You are too kind!

  9. Kitty Kitty, if you enable social media sharing on your blog, we can Tweet your post directly out to the Twitterverse. I have my eye on some of those cookies as well....

  10. thanks Kate-- I will ask if they want me to do that (i'm not in charge of auction---)
    ps your workshops are going everywhere--can't wait to catch up with you, lady.

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