Sunday, May 22, 2011

you lovely do-gooders!!

FIrst of all, thanks to everyone who bid on the doodles over at the NFS site,
Neil's Sandman doodle is still up for grabs (so far bringing in a thousand clams of goodness)...

this one sold already, see
here as Mister Neil Gaiman doodles:

and Christopher Salmon's PRICE piece brought in $365--yahooooo! man, it was beautiful.

Meanwhile, The Zulli household sends their love to everyone who came out in support of their furry friends
who had to have emergency surgery.
Was able to send them a healthy paypal chunk and I hear many of you sent to their cause as well--
the goodness of your hearts has magic healing powers--
I know I have quoted this before, but it always hits it home for me.
(No matter what crap I get up to in my life, a good deed helps to even the decks...)

"If only people could know that a life of goodness, no matter how modest, will lead to an eternity of unparalleled bliss, they would ask themselves why they did not do more good while they were on Earth. One act of kindness in this world is repaid tenfold in the next..."

taken from The Laws of Eternity by Ryucho Okawa.

I am also very grateful many of you ordered my jewelry, which was a real pleasure to make.

Both cats helped me in this endeavor--

Selina Kyle bossed the operations...

while Batty lazed around...

Since I leave in 2 days on the Zombie tour, I had to end this Vet Bills impromptu fundraiser at 5 pm, west coast time,
so I can pack & finish my immigration paperwork for the crew...

When I am gone, i will be preparing to put out the Kendra Stout ZOMBIEFIED NEIL AND AMANDA illustration on something, a bookbag, tshirt, beachtowel, not sure yet... ***any requests???

by the way,
here are the five runner-up winners:
'Chivalry' is undead.

"It's all right, I suppose. I mean, it's not my writing arm."

He's a little 'armless.

"My leather jacket!"

That's not a Good Omen...
The winner of the quote:
"To have and to hold as long as you both shall unlive"

yes I know, i announced it over on twitter- but i forgot to put it up here--
the five runner ups got their bullet-proof luggage tags:


think about what you how you would want to see this image used--i love the idea of a beach towel, but maybe that's just me..
I will be blogging my European adventures over on the FURRY TIGER BLOG.
thanks again for all the love to Gert & Daisy, the dogs d' Zulli.


  1. about a beachtowel with Cabal on it?

  2. Me, I'd love that on a hobo/messenger bag...that would be awesome.

  3. I meant to let you know earlier that I got the print! (But I was totally sucking in all the time and knowledge I could with Kyle) Thank you so much! It is beautiful, and I will send you pic once I have found it a home. :-D

  4. Great post (as usual) -- your karma account is OVERFLOWING!!! :) Travel safe, Miss Kitty!!!
