Wednesday, May 11, 2011


There were so many good captions for the
lil undead Neil and Amanda.
I need another night to decide.
Any opinions?
you can vote in the comments box or on twitter--
i am @neverwear and remember to put:
#zombie contest...

"Neil, you're so sweet. You made me lunch!"

@Aarons_Skin And there you have it. Our 'Zombie Coat of Arm'.

Classic Love Story: American girl goes looking for brains. Finds love in the hands of an Englishman.

"To have an to hold as long as you both shall unlive"

'Chivalry' is undead.

"It's all right, I suppose. I mean, it's not my writing arm."

"Marriage takes alot out of you."

"Honey, i love you, but let's never try to do 8in8 again..."

He's a little 'armless.

"To have, to hold, to devour"

"My leather jacket!"

That's not a Good Omen...

'til death do we... oh, nevermind.

I gotta hand it to you ... Now give it back!

"Why not take all of me?"

Til death do us fall apart.

"When my wife says she wants a hand, I make sure she gets a hand.

"Pull yourself together, man!"

Hapless Neil learned that Amanda's beauty was literally disarming.

They stole each others' hearts long before she took his hand.

AristotelianMDO Mark David Outhwaite
"Love...Love will tear us apart .."

"to naw and to maim, from this day forward.."

‪Harley Ferris said...
"Matt Dean thinks he can get $33,600 for this on eBay."


  1. " @electricbuddha
    Classic Love Story: American girl goes looking for brains. Finds love in the hands of an Englishman. "

    Loved this one.

  2. Oh, I love:
    Hapless Neil learned that Amanda's beauty was literally disarming.

  3. Out of the ones listed, I like

    "My leather jacket!"


    Close second -

    "It's all right, I suppose. I mean, it's not my writing arm."

  4. I vote for @sethistan "My leather jacket!"

  5. @electricBuddha!

    failing that... @hardigirl (that would be me) :P

  6. @Hardigirl
    'Chivalry' is undead.


    AristotelianMDO Mark David Outhwaite
    "Love...Love will tear us apart .."

  7. I'll have to go with @DoctorHu's entry (even though there are many fun ones here) -- fantastic response!!!

  8. @Valya and @stephen_smith are totally full of win - though there are many in there that made me laugh. :)
