Neil was here for the Oscars and it spun me right 'round like a record, bay-bee.
We outfitted him in beautiful threads, Kambriel and Dior...
my favorite getting-ready shot:

the golden ticket:

He made the LA Times...
He doodled for charity, click here for outcome:

the Hollywood hotel he was staying at had a life-size chess board in the courtyard:

and a delicious rooftop pool:

Neil left LA to continue his multi-destination run, which he recounts over HERE.
Meanwhile I left and did the Yo Gabba Gabba US/Canada tour which you can read about
Before I left, I put up a Cabal contest, and here are the finalists...
so so many good ones, you talented world, it was extremely difficult to narrow down to these finalists...
If you can leave a comment (or email me at if you don't want to leave comment)
we will review and then consult with Cabal's dad...
final decision in a week or so!
by Diana Sprinkle:

by Jenny Robins:

by Danny Dillen:

by Chris Lincoln:

by Joey Lee:

by M.C. Matz:

by WonderBink:

by Jouni Koponen:

by Jess:

by "D.H.":

and two by Wai-Jing Tsang:

let me know what you think!
Jouni Koponen, I adore his depiction of our super dog.
Thanks Cat for having another contest!
Of course I like mine, but I'm a huge fan of Jouni Koponen's!
Jouni Koponen's sharp and smart and simple depiction caught my eye right away. WonderBink is on to something real fine, though, too. Just my 2 cents. What a wide variety of ideas, and a delight to see them displayed here. Thanks for all your work, Kitty.
Jenny Robins by a mile. What a fabulous T-shirt that would be. Even if she doesn't win, will you make me one, Cat-let? I'll make you a Ring of Power.
Oh wow... ALL OF THEM!
As t-shirt, Diana Sprinkle or Jouni's (anyone can have a white dog on their shirt, it's the cape that informs the world it's Cabal).
As print, MC Matz, because for some reason I still see the two of them as Silas and Miss Lupescu (I know, she's a she, and she's not white, but the image remains). Or Joey Lee, because that is beautiful. Or Jouni's, because then I could hang it across from my Day the Saucers Came print, and people would wonder about me.
All the rest of them, though, would make adorable little stationary headers or postcards or fridge magnets or something- nice and small and dog-ly.
Matz. I love the color and movement. I think Boss's hair looks real good in that one.
Jouni Koponen's looks like a campaign logo. CABAL for Dog President. Steak when you want it and Sticks! Sticks for Everyone!
Also, Boss mind the first photo? It's blurry but it still made me go "Oh. My. Gaiman."
i vote for JoeyLee or WonderBink
I like Jouni's very much, but my favorite is definitely Matz.
I adore Wai-Jing Tsang's 1st photo, Cabal drawing himself into existence? Brilliant!
I love the one drawn by Jouni Koponen. I like the stark contrasts.
My favorite is Jenny Robins. She got Cabal's ears perfectly!
The others I really dig are the 4-color one by Diana Sprinkle & the crazy cartoony one by Chris Lincoln.
I like the one by Jouni too, but the more I look at it, the more it bothers me that since he's looking right at you, there's no face shape. I want Cabal to turn his head to the right in that one.
~Other Sharon
Koponen is my favorite, but Robins and Matz are only slightly behind.
aww!! thanks for nominating my image! D H means Daria Hlazatova :)
Well, I vote for WonderBink - i really love the idea and it can be a cool logo!
There are too many gorgeous designs!
I like Chris', I like Jouni's, I lile Wonderbink's and I also like Joey's (although this one might not work out as a T-shirt)
I love so many of them, but for me, Chris's wins.
I love the D.H. one.
i really love diana sprinkle's (i love the goofy joyous grin of having found the perfect stick with the krypto cape). i also like joey lee's a lot because it makes me think of the fox from dreamhunters as well as cabal.
Jenny Robins' is my favorite, although it was a very tough choice.
I love the Jouni Koponen, full disclosure: I have a French Bulldog and am partial to Big Ears.
I simply adore WonderBink's! I wish more of them would say 'Cabal' somewhere.
Diana is a pretty good one, but I think Wonderblink is my favorite overall.
These are my faves, in order:
1. WonderBink
2. Joey Lee
3. Wai Jing Tsang's 2nd one
4. M.C. Matz (would buy this as a print before a t-shirt)
I think Wonderbink's is utterly the most appropriate depiction of Neil's dog.
I like the Robins, the Matz and the first Tsang.
These all amazing.
I particulalrly like Wonderbink's, and Wei-Jing Tsang's 1st one of Cabal drawing himself into existance, and Chris Lincoln's...
If I have to pick one,I think it'd have to be Wonderbink's.
BTW, is there any chance of putting these (and maybe some of the other designs such as the 'Cats Know' or 'I Believe' ones onto postcards and/or magnets? I love the designs but not necessarily on a shirt..
the first one of Tsang would be great on a t-shirt. The second is gorgous but might be better as a print.
Loving the Chris Lincoln one myself. :)
Matze and WonderBink are my favourites, I would definitely buy a shirt with those on them.
I love Chris Lincoln's. It's quirky and eyecatching and rather Dave McKean-ish, which of course makes me think Neil Gaiman-ish.
Chris Lincoln, followed by Wai-Jing Tsang.
Jess' is also very cute.
interesting..... i happen to like danny dillen's. tasteful!
This is so hard!! So many amazing works of art. I wonder if Neil (and the artists involved) would allow me to add these to the rotating sidebar of the site and Journal?
I want the Diana Sprinkle and the Jess on refrigerator magnets.
The Jenny Robins totally says "Threadless t-shirt", which I dig, but I doesn't say "uniquely Cabal" enough for me.
I love the first by Wai-Jing Tsang.
For a shirt that I'd actually wear, though, it has to be the Jouni for me.
I like J. Lee's!
my vote's for Jess or Chris Lincoln's. Excellent embodiments of Cabal's inner happy hound!
Jenny Robins :D
I think Chris Lincoln's Cabal would like to frolic with Scary Trousers Neil. Love it!
Diana Sprinkle's Cabal also makes me smile. A lot. :)
Wonderbink! Matz!
I vote for Wonderbink, too.
I love the one by Joey Lee :D
I am having a hard time choosing between Koponen's, Matz's, and Jenni Robbins's. I just can't choose!
Fun. Love them all.
I like the ones by Diana Sprinkle, Jenny Robins and Jouni Koponen!
I can't make up my mind--I like Jenny Robins best, as well as Joey lee and Jess :)
wow, i woke up to 48 comments, which makes me feel a little bit like the FAbulous Lorraine (or should i say Fablo the Shrinking Woman--)
Thanks everyone for getting the word out and for chiming in with your choices, and i never anywhere ever said this would be used for a teeshirt, (although now it may just be)--but this... is for... be revealed...
there are 6 days left to round up the troops and have your say. Danth Guyth, if you get permission, i would love to see them all displayed, they are all so different and all catch Cabal's spirit...
Joey Lee!! ^^
My favorites are Diana Sprinkle's, Jouni Koponen's and Jess'.
I really really wish I could have narrowed it down more, but each of them have some aspect that is just so lovable. And all of the nominees were TOO good.
I like the one by D.H. the best or the first one by Wai-Jing Tsang. Fun art!
So many good ones! I would say Wonderbink first and Jouni Koponen second. Seriously, though, I'd buy a shirt with almost any of the designs.
Wow, hard to pick just one, when they are all so wonderful!
I'm stuck between WonderBink's "wordy Cabal" and Wai-Jing Tsang's "Cabal drawing himself".
Glad this isn't my decision!
all dogs are wonderful, but I'd really love to have WonderBink's design on a t-shirt.
Simplicity and genius (:
There are several cool ones... and no, I'm NOT going to vote in a contest where I'm also a participant.
May the best dog win!
I really like the one by Jenny Robins. Very lifelike of Cabal and the birding/identification take is cute too :)
WonderBink! Great idea. Now we know the dog behind the curtain : )
Jenny Robbins and Joey Lee's are my favourites! Amazing!
Tsang's with the pen, and Matz's. I'm having a hard time choosing just one!
Hey Cat! I am going to have to vote for Chris Lincoln's and Jess's. I think Chris's looks most like Neil's energy and Jess's looks more like Cabal's energy. But all of them are awesome!
Chris Lincoln's and Jess's both have the Noble Beast and Doofus that is Cabal.
So, my #1 vote goes to Chris Lincoln. Jess is a close second. :)
i vote for jess!
Aah, there are so many good ones! And thank you so much for nominating mine! Jess', that is. =]
Since there are other nominees who voted for an entry other than their own, I will be courteous and do the same. I vote for Chris Lincoln's!
And much thanks to everyone who likes mine! I love when people appreciate my art. ^^
I totally go for either Chris Lincoln or Joey Lee - especially with a full bleed of white; that could make for a really interesting effect!
Joey Lee's stuck out to me the most, and in a very good way. I love the style, and it was the only one that elicited an emotional response, which I think is a good thing.
I'd wear Jess' entry on a shirt!
If I was looking for a design, I'd go with Jess's
I'd pay some money for Jess's design!
Sorry for the Double-post, was having some technical difficulties.
they are all awesome!
my favourite is wonderbink
danny dillon's reminds me of the animated belle and sebastian. which is a super good thing.
horay and thanks to all the people who liked mine.
i went back and looked at your requirements for the contest. actually i can't pick just one because the more i look at all the art, the more i fall in love with each one.
jess captured the wonderful goofy expression of cabal in such a fun way
diana sprinkle, i think this will reproduce well and i love how he looks like a super hero but has the silly facial expression that boss loves so.
Jouni Koponen because i love the spare style, less is more and it's very evocative of cabal's intense poses.
wai tsing, cabal drawing himself with a fountain pen ties in boss and cabal but not in an overly exploitative way because cabal is still the star of the drawing.
chris lincoln has a neat glow going on, i like that effect because it emphasizes the way cabal's coat catches light and photographs so well.
joey lee's picture would make an amazing white t-shirt, andother example of less is more, andi really like the style.
and mc matz a beautiful poster or tshirt, i really like the swirly background and how neil's coat is blowing behind cabal. it really captures the beautiful serenity that they give each other.
danny's is another one i think would work so well as a label or tshirt design because of the simplicity of the design. i love the use of shading to give dimension to cabal.
and jenny catures so accurately the amusing nature of dog thinking.
i'm so in love with all these entries. what an amazing talented bunch of fans cabal has.
I adore the Jouni Koponen's depiction of Cabal. In addition it makes the DangerMouse theme tune play in my head (which I consider a bonus). He looks poised to leap into action to brighten someone's day (most likely mine cause I swear he's looking right at me)!
I also like the pen/writing aspect of Wonderbink's and Wai-Jing Tsang's first print.
I have to stop looking at them now 'cause otherwise I'll just note that I love them all (which I do) and that I really want a dog of my own (which is a bit off topic).
Toss my vote for the rendition by Diana Sprinkle! It's the cutest!
Matz, it's so hard to find good full color t-shirts these days.
I wish I'd seen this call for entries. I don't know where I was, but this is a fun little contest to be sure.
They're all great, but I definitely think that Jouni Koponen's "CABAL" is the right one. I would buy this shirt right now. Or a bumper sticker. Or both.
Definitely one of those "super inside joke" bumper stickers to make other Neil fans cheer.
In order of Awesome
1. Jenny Robins -for best ears.
2. Wonderblink -for best idea.
3. Jouni Koponen -for best Cabal wine label.
Sprinkles, Lee, Wonderblink and Tsang's first are all just fabulous. <3
Wow. I'm surprised - in my eyes, the first one from Wai-Jing Tsang is by far the most brilliant, although I also like the ones from Sprinkle, Matz, WonderBink, and Jouni.
But the drawing himself into existence with a fountain pen? Lovely!
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