Sunday, April 15, 2012

a small Neil mailbox...

One of my favorite parts of the job is seeing what people send on to the Boss...
countless letters, questions, much appreciation for his stories.

I have to catch Neil when I can, somewhere in his uber-busy life, to answer this mail. When I do, he writes the most thoughtful answers to the questions of writers-to-be, damsels-in-distress, school-kids-with-plot-suggestions....etc.
this is an example of one of his replies, i have removed the name of the questioner, but I think almost anyone can benefit from the words on the card:

when i opened this beautiful Encyclopedia Gothica, by Liisa Ladouceur, i knew he would be happy. (and he shares a page with one of my heroes, Diamanda Galas....)

these pint glasses came in, sand-blasted by Zack T.
One for each of the Sandman Endless family members...with the corresponding Kanji character etched on the backs.
Once Zack figures out if he can make them for sale, we will put up his information. I think these are so clever and they are sturdy and they are making me think of re-visiting the Shoggoth pint glass we once considered. Shipping glasses? Not for the faint of heart, and the delivery services are manned by butter-fingered ogres it seems sometimes...but these glasses gave me new hope.
Neil holds one up while we are sitting at the airport, waiting for his lady love to arrive.

here Neil sits in his rented convertible Mustang, ready to drive off into the sunset with Amanda.
(subtitle: American muscle, British steel)

The Fabulous Lorraine packed the signed Olivia prints into Neil's suit carrier and they survived his airplane ride beautifully.
Here you can see, this new batch has Olivia signing in golden Sharpie:

while Neil signs with his fountain pen:

so we have a new batch of double-signed prints, they are HERE.
We also have unsigned prints available (but still artist embossed) for a lower price.


Marjorie said...

I always enjoy the mailbox posts.

And I do hope you do reconsider the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar pint glasses.. :)

Dragonsally said...

"American muscle, British steel"
love it!

As tempted as I might be by those lovely glasses, I don't think I'd tempt the posting of them.

MJSchryver said...

Rs: "Shoggoth pint glass"

Yes, yes, oh dear god yes, please.

Thank you,