when i announced a contest for this handmade reycled Batman magnet,
i opened a floodgate of response...
unleashed a torrent of glittery twitters...
should not have been surprised, but i was.
and then i looked in my spam folder, after i thought i was done viewing all the entries,
and there were more...and more and even...more.
and so many of them were good.
I sent several on to Neil. He laughed and used some choice blue language to show his delight.
our Newbery Medalist, with every word in the English language at his ready command, swearing like a sailor....in all caps, to boot.
so...how to judge this contest?
(many of you pleaded to win, seems you like that magnet)
We pulled out the ideas that stood out as shirts I could see in my mind.
i am going to detail the finalists here,
and let you all decide:
lots of you love the green bowler from ANANSI BOYS.
many spider God ideas...
Demeter's Child asked for the words to the Macabray on a shirt, illustrated with some of the white flowers that are being passed around in the GRAVEYARD BOOK.
Andrew made this very stark & clean suggestion:
"A simple, foreboding quote: "FEAR IS A WEAPON OF THE SLEER.""
*******he also asked for Neil's original and un-edited Newbery winner tweet on a tee.
(you'll just have to google it...)
John suggests a Coraline tee, with the words to the rat song::
(perhaps illustrated with one of Neil's doodly rats)
We are small but we are many
We are many, we are small
We were here before you rose
We will be here when you fall.
another Coraline tee thought up by Katie:
"The mice have a message for you."
"The Fan's Belief" submitted by Scott made Neil laugh:

great idea from Veronica:
. On the front, Cats don't need names.
And on the back, We know who we are.
(I want one of these myself, Veronica!)
Ben writes in:
I know I’ve always wanted a shirt with Richard Mayhew’s back as he’s drawing that final door on the London wall. Also, a Croup and Vandemar would be awesome. (perhaps with the caption, some of us are SO SHARP… we could just CUT ourselves.)
the ever-lovely Oona/Oz suggestes a quote from Neverwhere's Hunter:
In human years I am
“as old as my tongue and slightly older than my teeth”
Norm sent this great bumpersticker idea (would work on a tee as well:
This one is fresh from Neil's tweet last night.
"Dream dangerously."
we got several (SEVERAL!) requests for an OLD SHOGGOTH's label/pintglass/teeshirt.
you really love this idea. only Ethan went the distance and drew one:

thank you, Foz, for this:
You can't make an omlette without killing a few people. (quote paraphrased from Neverwhere)
a gorgeous little drawing from Elise:

Lauri's idea? a simple declaration from Stardust:
"I've been through the wall"
while on that topic, Katie and many others asked for this:
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
Ruth sent in this visual inspired by THE GRAVEYARD BOOK:
a grey shirt, tomb stones print all over it and right over the right breast
(pocket) leaning against a stone is "Bod". here and there, little ghosts of
the "residents": kind of like a shirt map?
Rachel wants to see this printed on cotton:
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
Meg wants to see a "Snow, Glass, Apples" design.. in fact, many mentions for this one. We do have plans for a future print...
Teresa, you picked my favorite HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS AT PARTIES line:
"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry."
Evelyn sent us this zinger:
I only consume one food, and it is not bananas. <--For those bloodsuckers who despise Twilight.
BillyBones suggests this:
London tube sign that says London Underneath, or a gothic version of the tube map with Neverwhere locations.
(me: will have to check on copyright infringement, but like it!)
RYAN has this beautiful idea:
I still would love to see a fading Cantrip shirt. The text from The Witch's Headstone chapter of the Graveyard book. You know, the spell that she uses to help Bod fade when he's in the back of the pawn shop.
the ever-lucid @PERGAMOND:
i would buy a "slaughtered prince" pub t-shirt in a heartbeat.
Ryan @Jesteram, whom i swear I do not know personally, he just is full of grande ideas, suggested two ideas:
1. blood-spattered text: "We Can Get Them For You Wholesale" .
2. How about a shirt with a playing-card jack on it and the names of all the Jacks from the Graveyard Book? I love how Neil tends to have a secret society in just about all his books ...
Nikki also thought of a Jack's tee, but the day after Ryan. Good call, Nikki.
Lara sent me this, which i love, from The White Road :
"Ultimately, everything comes down to Foxes."
lots of you wanted to see the new and old gods from AMERICAN GODS having a face off/show down.
there were many other great ones, and believe me, you can always write in with ideas on what you'd like to see....neverwear@gaiman.net
for now, go in the comments section and say what you like.
I will let you decide... and perhaps Neil will ring in too. Quiche? thoughts?
also with the Batman prize, i threw in a BEOWULF swag hat from Paramount Pictures.
this post is getting way too long.
thanks so much for let me know what you think.
woo. I'm excited to be on the list. Though there are so many good ones.
Obviously I like mine (I'm demeterschild)
I also like the Man Jack Card idea,
The Coraline Rats idea (We are small, but we are many...)
The "I Believe in Neil" idea
I also thought some of the Neverwhere ideas were cool, but I haven't got to reading that one yet (as far as being a Neil fan goes, I'm only about 2 years old.)
I love the cats don't have names quote--i say it an awful lot so why not wear it as well??
I also love 'Dream dangerously'
And one that's not up there that i just remembered, "Are you the man with the lime?"
thanks Chantrelle, you are right on.
i forgot.
working on it.
and JAMM, great job for a two year old. haha
I love the Stardust shirt with Tristan leading Yvaine on the rope!
I love the London Underground/Neverwhere ideas, copyright issues aside. Neverwhere was the first of Neil's novels that I read, and continues to be my favorite.
"Dream dangerously" also gets my vote.
Wow. They are all so good! I love the mice one and the cat one, but if I had a gun to my head it would have to be the cat one.
However, with no gun to my head I would like one of each in size 3X please. :)
I totally want Ben's suggested shirt: "Also, a Croup and Vandemar would be awesome. (perhaps with the caption, some of us are SO SHARP… we could just CUT ourselves.)"
Wow, the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar design that Ethan drew is a zillion times better than the one I had in my head when I emailed it as a suggestion. That definitely gets my vote!
Cats don't have names, would be my pick.
I also thought that there was a lime in the wings somewhere.
Dream Dangerously for a nightshirt, maybe?
I love love LOVE the Tristran and Yvaine drawing. So pretty!
I love the cat quote.
I absolutely drool over the idea of a shirt (UMBRELLA OMG how cool would that be!!!) with the Map of London Below. I do realize about the copyright stuff though.
Oh, and the Man Jack Card idea was brill too.
Excellent ideas one and all!
best idea yet in my opinion is the gothic tube map with neverwhere locations, though i would shell out quite a bit of money for elise's stardust tee. also the 'slaughtered prince' pub tee and the shoggoth's label are excellent ideas. those four are my top votes, but they're all awesome!
I vote for"The mice have a message for you." Having myself been pursued by mice.
First of all, I want all of them! But these are the four I would immediately purchase:
1.I believe in Neil
2.Slaughtered Prince pub shirt
3.Elise’s Stardust drawing
4.London/Neverwhere tube map (if it’s not copyright infringement!)
The "Cats don't have names" and the Stardust illustration with Tristran and Yvaine on each side, says my two cents.
I'm glad to see others were with me. I still hold for a Shoggoth's Old Peculiar shirt!
My vote is a tie between Katie "The Mice", Rachel's "Secret World" and Scott's "Fan's Belief". Love em!
The "I believe in Neil" shirt is brilliant. The "Cats don't need names" is also hilarious.
My Two favs
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
"I've been through the wall"
My favorite was the Stardust one with Tristian leading Yvaine; Also Neil's quote from Twitter "Dream Dangerously"
I think that a Shoggoth's Old Peculiar t-shirt would be essential bar-wear, but I think I just would'nt be able to say no to a shirt with some classic Croup and Vandemar dialouge on it!
I know what I want, but am not going to post it here, I'll send an e-mail, to be fair, so as not to influence unfairly, but totally, they all rock.
I'd wear them All....
Kitty, has anyone told you lately that you rock???
"Dream Dangerously" or "Are you the man with the lime?" I would totally wear those all the time.
I don't want the Shoggaths on ashirt, I want it on a pint glass.
Ooo, so hard to choose! I really like the Shuggoth's Old Peculiar design, but running a close second and third would be the Stardust wraparound design and the Neverwhere London Below Tube map.
"Dream Dangerously" would be an awesome nightshirt/bumper sticker/t-shirt but since it's was one I came up with I'll vote for "I've been through the wall"
Love The Fan's Belief letter and Elise's drawing (gorgeous).
For a quote, this is my favorite: "Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
pint glasses sometimes arrive in a state of sparkly broken glass piles...that would be something to consider.
thanks so much people for taking time to weigh in here...
i will give it some time to build.
and Quiche, now I know what you feel like every day! **kiss**
So many of these are genius! But if I get to proclaim my adoration of Neil's work AND my loathing of Twilight in one? It's got to go to "I only consume one food, and it is not bananas."
my favorites
. On the front, Cats don't need names.
And on the back, We know who we are.
Rachel wants to see this printed on cotton:
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
Meg wants to see a "Snow, Glass, Apples" design.. in fact, many mentions for this one. We do have plans for a future print...
My vote goes to the following:
-"Cats don't need names, we know who we are"
-London Underground/map of London tubes
-"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry"
(I think I'd also consider buying the Newbery tweet one.)
So hard to decide! I like "Dream Dangerously," Neil's unedited Newbery tweet, "Have been unavoidably detained by the world..." and the Tristran/Yvaine sketch.
My choices:
"Cats don't have names, we know who we are."
and The Macabray text shirt would be beautiful.
"I believe in Neil"
"Cats don't need names"
and "Dream dangerously"
I liked all of them, but those were my favorites
I'd love to see a Croup/Vandemar quote. I personally love "Cut us, do we not bleed?" "...No."
But Neil's unedited Newbery Tweet -- I'd buy six, keep one, and give the others to kids at the library. Anything to get the little ones reading.
I'd wear that Shoggoth's Old Peculiar design just about anywhere.
I'm excited to see mine on there, especially with so many really great ones! So naturally I vote for mine, but
"Shoggoth's Old Peculiar,"
"We Can Get Them for you Wholesale"
and "Are you the man with the lime?" are all awesome in their peculiarity/obscurity; I love having t-shirts that require explanation.
wow, some really great ideas here! thin my vote goes to:
* Rachel's: "Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
* The Stardust rope drawing.
* 'Dream Dangerously'
But I'd wear most of them.
I know it's right up near the top but I now desperately want the "Macabray". I once wrote a poem in primary school and I took the word macabre out of the dictionary- but I'd never heard it aloud. When I read the poem out to my teacher that is exactly how I pronounced it.
Most importantly, I think you should make more than one new shirt!!! XD
First-time commenter, and all that jazz. I have 10 cats, so my vote goes to
On the front, Cats don't need names.
And on the back, We know who we are.
I would totally buy that t-shirt and then wear it every day until it got beyond weird.
I like "Have been unavoidably detained by the world".
My top four, favorite being #1:
1. "Cats don't need names.
We know who we are."
2. "Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
3. Dream Dangerously
4. the Macabray text, etc.
The drawings for Shoggoth's Old Peculiar and Tristran pulling the chained Yvaine are too good not to do something with. Tristran/Yvaine only works as a tee/sweatshirt. Perhaps coasters with Shoggoth's Old Peculiar? They could be made of faux leather, square or round. Would work for magnets, too, where the print is placed on magnetic sheet.
So honored to be in such fabulous company! :) (insert obligatory vote for self here)
My favorite of the others is the Neverwhere one: "You can't make an omlette without killing a few people." :) LOVE IT!
I also love the Fan's Belief thing! Very much. But it's not a Neil quote...however, I think it should be made a shirt ANYWAY, because it's hilarious. :)
Don't envy you your position as judge at all!
I too am honored to be on the list. People put ever so much thought into it. These are all wonderful. Thanks for a fun contest.
How can I possibly choose?
I like "Fear is a Weapon of the Sleer" because it's pretty much perfect ... but even better, I think, are "You wouldn't want to make a universe angry" and "I consume only one food, and it is not bananas." I don't think I can possibly decide between those last two.
I guess I have to, don't I?
Fine. The banana one. Hands down.
Um. Of course I know on the front and on the back aren't part of the saying. I'm a bit gifted today.
My vote is still for the cat saying.
I know Jack shirt ... was my idea, so I'll vote for it, but I also like the Coraline rat song. My wife listened to the Coraline audio book and that song really freaked her out.
And I thought they were full of it all along, saying it was an honor just to be nominated... :)
(but it is).
I'd love to see my Neverwere T's, of course (And thanks to everyone who were for it ;), but would really love the "Cats don't need names" and rat song shirts.
And Cat, just think of the bulk you'd have to go through had Sandman been fair-grounds for this one... :)
I'll go for Dream Dangerously althiugh I like so many of them.
My votes:
1. You can't make an omlette without killing a few people.
2. Dream Dangerously.
3. I consume only one food- and it is not bananas.
I really really like the Croup and Vandemar shirt with the quote on it.
Wow, so many good ones!
My votes (and they are many) are for, as I read down the list:
- The Macabray words
- The Fan's Belief is cute. Could do with a bit of tweaking, but ultimately very cool.
- Richard Mayhew/ door
- Dream Dangerously. Love it.
- GYB 'map' tshirt
- Everybody has a Secret World Inside Them
- London Tube/Neverwhere
-Fading Cantrip
- Jacks on a deck of cards
i really love the "fan's belief" one, i would definitely wear a shirt with that on it.
my 3 faves in order:
- Shoggoth's Old Peculiar label (love Ethan's illustration!)
- "The Mice have a message for you"
- "Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
Man, that was hard just narrowing down to 3!
Such great shirt ideas.
My favourites:
1. The Fan's Belief
2. "Cat's Don't Need Names / We Know Who We Are"
3. Richard Mayhew drawing the final door on a London wall
4. The "Everybody has a secret world inside of them" quote.
5. "Are you the man with the lime?"
6. "Dream Dangerously."
7. "Have been unavoidably detained by the world."
That's too many, isn't it? I want them all, though.
I guess if I had to pick ONLY ONE (as my nephew says, about how many chocolates he can have at one time, so sadly) I would pick "The Fan's Belief," even though it isn't a quote by the man himself.
you are all lovely.
there will be more than one shirt...
Matt, maybe we shall have bleepy stickers made..
i still need to do the MILKBONE one....
tomorrow will announce the winner of the other tweety contest for the SPIDEY magnet...
{follow us @Neverwear on twitter.com}
The fact that Cat liked my Fan's Belief and that it actually made Neil LAUGH makes me feel like I've already won. Asking for anything else would simply be greedy. And there's so many great ideas here. I'm glad I don't have to choose.
oh i think my fav that has no copyright infrigement issues is: the stardust with tristian pulling yvaine
IF, there are no copyright infringement, then i would totally buy multiple copies of the london underground map on a shirt. omg squee with fan girl delight at this.
honorable mentions:
croup and vandso sharpe..good concert wearing shirt i think.
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
and dream dangerously would be awesome as a badge or sticker.
I really like "The mice have a message for you." Coraline fans will get it, it sounds random and WTF-inducing to non-fans (in a good way), and it's the sort of weird thing I'd want to buy even if it had nothing to do with Neil. (But that's possibly because I've done research with mice.)
I LOVE the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar design. I'd buy it.
This was hard.....but I choose
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people in the whole world. I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing, worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe."
"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry."
Thanks for letting us have a say.
Ouch. Hard to choose...but the one I'd probably wear is the "everyone has secret worlds"... one. So it gets my vote.
"We can get them for you wholesale."
I love this one. Please. The Shoggoth's Old Peculiar would be a close second.
I love the rats poem, if for no other reason than getting points for creepy and kid-friendly.
I've been through the wall.
As one of the several people who suggested a Shoggoth's shirt (and pint glass), I'll second my vote for that. Cardboard bar-coasters would work for that as well.
The Tristran pulling Yvainne shirt would also work as a landscape poster, if not as a shirt.
But the one that caught my brain most of all was Ben's suggestion of Richard Mayhew drawing the door.
And any lime reference would be good. But I favor the "It was just a lime, there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could." as a quote, with a picture of a lime on the front, and the quote on the back. But maybe that's just me...
I love the cat's don't have names, we know who we are one, and "The Fan's Belief" which is so true, especially about meeting people in line!
I have a quote from Neil that I use as my sig, and it would be great in white lettering on a black tee:
"When writing a novel that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.'" -Neil Gaiman
Everybody has a secret world.
The mice - but only with a drawing.
Croup & Vandemar!
I LOVE the Underground/Neverwhere idea, if you can get the rights.
I can get them for you wholesale.
The beer shirt drawing.
(also through the wall is nice.)
I vote for the Macabray first, especially if the flower is on the front, over the heart, and the words are printed on the back. And if not that, then the Jack card idea. Very cool!
I like:
- the words to Macabray
- "The mice have a message for you."
- cats don't need names
- "Dream dangerously."
- Graveyard Book - Bod and the residents
- "Everybody has a secret world inside of them..."
- London tube sign that says London Underneath, or a gothic version of the tube map with Neverwhere locations. (esp. the latter!)
- fading cantrip
- so hard to choose!
I would buy "The Fan's Belief" in 0.5 seconds flat.
my favourites, in no particular order:
1. cats don't need names
2. the tristran/yvaine shirt drawn by elise
3. the secret worlds quote from the sandman novels (one of my favourite quotes, actually)
Among my faves (I can't pick one!):
-Dream Dangerously
-"Everybody has a secret world inside of them...
I also liked the idea of Richard and the Door. And the "I believe in Neil" idea is cute.
Great Ideas!
I LOVE the "slaughtered prince" pub idea!
I'm going to vote for too many:
-Dream Dangerously
-Shoggoth's Old Peculiar
-Have Been Unavoidably Detained By the World
-Everybody has a secret world inside them... (but I'd rather have this one nicely illustrated on a poster)
-Gothic London Below map
Also a vote for the t-shirts to be US-made or otherwise as guaranteed as possible to be sweatshop-free, so I can buy them all without feeling guilty. (This may already be the case, but I couldn't find anything on the site.)
For me, number one is "Everybody has a secret world..."
Number two: I Believe in Neil
Number three: Shoggoth's Old Peculiar
So many wonderful ideas!
I vote for: 1. the incantation from the Witch's Headstone (I'm thinking of embroidering it black-on-black around the hem of a Victorian dress skirt,) and 2: the Stardust front-and-back drawing. LOVE the art.
They're all great ideas.
I really like the Slaughtered Prince pub shirt too.
"The mice have a message for you."
i definitely would love a shirt with a london tube map of all the neverwhere locations... or even just an underground logo with "london below" or something. that would be amazing. neverwhere is my favorite book (so far).
i also really liked the "fan's belief" that's a good one LOL
"The mice have a message for you."
Cats don't need names.
We know who we are.
"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry."
Things I would wear:
The Tristan and Yvaine shirt
Neil's Newbery tweet
Dream dangerously
Old as my tongue...
Things I might wear:
Cats don't have names
You can't make an omelette...
London tube sign
Have been unavoidably detained...
Things I love but would not myself wear:
The Fan's Belief
We can get them for you wholesale
Sweet monkey butler, I want the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar!!! Any form is acceptable!!
Also, a "Slaughtered Prince" shirt would be grand, as would a wall sign!
Dream Dangerously, and spider god.
Cats don't need names...would be absolutely fantastic
ANY of the Neverwhere ideas! I have been dying for Neverwhere swag ever since your site started. I particularly like the idea of Richard carving the door with the knife and Hunter's quote. Perhaps one of the quotes in front of a glass of Atlantian wine?
Oh, a Gods vs. Gods shirt would be fantastic, especially if it was in Neil's sketchy style akin to the Graveyard Book tee.
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world" is my favorite... I think it works even if you don't know the context, although in context it's better :)
I would love anything from Neverwear, but also maybe something from the Egyptians in American Gods.
elise's tristan/yvaine one with the chain running from front to back is just...awesome. (although may i be so bold as to suggest having 'STARDUST' written on the sleeve not the actual front)
old shoggoth's ain't too shabby either.
I would buy Shoggoth's Old Peculiar in a heartbeat...I am also quite fond of the Croup and Vandemar quote, the Neverwhere Underground if it's possible, and the Secret world quote. So many good ideas!
ok, so upon thinking, the worlds quote is just amazing. i totally missed richard carving a door, that would have been my top fav i think. neverwhere being a slight obsession.
can i just go on record as saying all of the suggestions are ace and i would totally buy them. is there a limit to 1 thing, or can you queue them up so you have a few ideas brewing for swag.
I vote for the rats ans the cats.
They are all really fabu, tho.
Also, you need something along the lines of:
Apocalyptic Rider
(where's the sandwiches?"
Cars don't need names: we know who we are. ABSOUTELY, would wear.
I absolutely would love a "we can get them for you wholesale" shirt
-Shoggoth's Old Peculiar!
-Dream Dangerously
-the Newbery Tweet!!!!
mostly, they're all fabulous ideas
I'm a fan of "dream dangerously" and the rat song. I think a "twitchy witchy girl" girl's shirt would be fun to wear as well. "Have been unavoidably detained by the world" would make a better sticker than a t-shirt I think. I like the American Gods face-off idea would be cool, but I'd want to see the artwork before I buy.
There are many worthy ones, but this is surely the one I would be most likely to wear:
""Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
Also, anything that relates to Neverwhere would be welcome.
It has to be Veronica's "Cats don't need names/We know who we are."
That is a T-Shirt I would buy.
The Silas shirt gets my vote...would also love to see Dream Dangerously as a nightshirt, as previously suggested. Great ideas, everyone!
100 comments, you busy bees----
thanks so much...
i am going off to pack orders...!
I especially like the Cat from Coraline one....and the Mouse song!!!
So wonderfully creepy.
1. Fan's Belief
2. Dream Dangerously
3. Tristan/Yvaine (absolutely amazing)
4. "The mice have a message for you."
5. "You wouldn't want to make a universe angry."
And of course, I love the London Below concept too!
Cats don't have names!!
I love the idea of the bottle-green hat or the seven-legged spider on tees, bumper stickers, or hoodies.
"Are you the man with the lime?" is also something I'd wear.
"Dream dangerously" is a fantastic thing to put on a commercially available object of any sort.
I do like the Shoggoth's stuff, and would more likely buy it for other Lovecraft fans.
"Cats don't need names / We know who we are" on a tee is also cool and while it's not something I'd wear, it's something that I'd give as a gift to several of my cat-people friends.
I would also like an almost-anything with "Have been detained by the world..."
The "secret world" quote would also make a wonderful shirt.
Shoggoth's, please.
I love the Man Jack card idea.
I also would love the Shoggoth's t-shirt, although I'd much rather have it on a badge that I could wear on my morris (dancing) kit.
I've Gotta be biased and say Elise's Tristran and Yvaine comes way first!
Old Shoggoth's, then
"I've been through the Wall" and then
London Tube sign with London Underneath, on a black T of course!(and how about Mind the Gap on the back?!)
Looking forward to a new T!
There are so many good ideas!
The Shoggoth's Old Peculiar is my fav. by far.
I love:
Dream Dangerously
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
The Neverwhere tube map/sign one
Ultimately, though, it all comes down to the design. I'd rather have an okay quote with an amazing design than the other way around.
Hard to choose, but my favourites are:
-"Cats don't need names, we know who we are"
-"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
Of course, if the London Underground/London Below map could be managed that sounds fab, too. :)
I'm not sure I'd go for a shirt with the London Below map but it would make a great mouse-mat or mug - the sort of thing that looks like a standard one at first glance then cuases you to do a double take!
I'm liking things involving Neverwhere - everything else already has a lot of exposure already! The "I'm so sharp I cut myself" idea made me smile, but I'm not a girl who likes t-shirts with just words on them. I would buy the "I believe in Neil" one, however, if it was done tastefully!
"Have been unavoidably detained by the world..."
Shoggoth's Old Peculiar glass pint
Being less than a cat person [no offense] I can only somewhat lend my support to that snarky offering, clever though it is.
I would appreciate the quote of being unavoidably detained by the world [mainly because it strikes home most soundly] as well as a simple black shirt with a simple green bowler...maybe laying on a pair of gloves.
Please continue to be awesome
I really loved the "Dream Dangerously" idea. Also, one of my favourite Gaiman quote is "Dreams Shape The Wolrd!" from A Dream of a Thousand Cats
Oh, and I just got this brilliant idea while browsing through my Coraline book! Its an Other Mother/Who Killed Amanda Palmer wordplay.
"Does Miss Palmer have a grave?" asked Coraline.
"Oh yes" said the Other Mother. "I put her in there myself. And when I found her trying to crawl out, I put her back."
That one I'd buy without hesitation! :)
Not a cat person, but I *do* like the cat one, kind of a T.S. Elliott dig anyhow.
Love all the Neverwhere ones.
"The Mice have a message..."
Please also note that there are lots of kids who are Coraline / Graveyard fans so pretty please have some of those in kid sizes, if they end up being made.
I like:
* Coraline rats song
* "You can't make an omlette without killing a few people."
"The Fan's Belief" totally needs to be a limited edition shirt to benefit the CBLDF.
They're all so fabulous! I would absolutely buy a "The mice have a message for you," "Cats don't need names...", and "Ultimately, everything comes down to Foxes." (In fact, I suspect that if that last doesn't get made, I shall have to kitbash one myself at home.)
"The Fan's Belief" is fantastic. I probably wouldn't wear it on a t-shirt, but would definitely pick up a small poster or card. "Dream dangerously" absolutely has to be on a sticker so we can stick them everywhere in a secret movement to inspire the world.
I'm voting for "I consume only one thing and it isn't bananas." and for the Wall quote from Stardust.
I would LOVE a rat song shirt!
I would LOVE a "cats don't have names" shirt. I also like the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar design as well. So many great ideas! So many more potential black T-shirts!
Although I love all the quotes, I think the drawing of Old Shoggoth's was both a great idea and particularly creative. That kind of talent/ingenuity/devoted fan interest should be rewarded. The same goes for the stardust chain drawing. I didn't personally like it quite as much, but clearly someone put some effort into that response as well. And my fiance would love it.
I am voting for "The Fan's Belief", and with a reason. I met Neil when I was about eleven years old (this was 17 years ago!) in Florida and my older brother and sister-in-law took his daughter to Disneyworld. Since then, the magic has continued to grow, and my love for Neil has never died. I own almost every single book and comic he has written, and have read them so many times that his characters are a part of my heart now. He always takes time for his fans, and rarely signs an impersonal message. Thank you Neil, for making my teenage years bearable.
-Naomi (with the silver trousers)
There are so many great suggestions.. so hard to choose!
Here are my top 5 choices:
"The mice have a message for you"
"Cat's don't need names. We know who we are."
"Dream Dangerously"
"You wouldn't want to make a universe angry"
These are great ^^
My votes go to "Cats don't have names, we know who we are" as well as "In the end it all comes down to foxes".
I think the "Cats don't need names" needs to be a tee - that's definitely something I'd buy.
Late to this thing, but my first wife made me a lovely shirt of Death saying "I'll be seeing you."
I still like my idea for the green Buddha lime thing. *pouts* Haha.
Demeter's Child asked for the words to the Macabray on a shirt, illustrated with some of the white flowers that are being passed around in the GRAVEYARD BOOK.
My votes as a ranked list, with 1 as most favored:
1. Gothic Tube Map of Neverwhere with Mind the Gap on back
2. Dream Dangerously
3. Croup and Vandemar, "...so sharp..."
4. Tristan and Yvaine chained (nice work there)
5. Cats don't need names
I love the macabre idea with the white flowers as well as the rat's song from Coraline, but the Richard Mayhew carving the final doorway is my favorite!
Of course the London underground ideas are also excellent.
It sounds like you've got a truckload of great shirt ideas here!
w0w - so many awesome entries!!!
i'd *LOVE* the cats quote one,
and am a fan of the croup & vandemar one, the shoggoth's old peculiar design, the slaughtered prince pub one, and "dream dangerously"...
{tho' i'd be just as happy with that last as a bumper sticker '-}
i think the "beliefs" would make an awesome journal cover, if that were do-able...
ooo - and the idea of a london below map with "mind the gap" on back would be spiff, as well!!!
Ethan's Old Peculiar shirt would be snatched up by my lovecraft loving husband in an instant.
For me I think "Dream Dangerously" is also a sure bet.
My first choice, hands down, is the Shoggoth's shirt. That illustration is great, and I love the quote at the bottom.
My runner ups would be Cats don't need names, and Have been unavoidably detained by the world.
And if you do an Anansi Boys shirt, it must have a lime.
There are several I like, but I absolutely LOVE the idea of a simple shirt with a lime green bowler and lemon yellow gloves folded beneath it. Especially considering I am not the type of person who can pull off actually wearing a bowler and am desperately sad about this fact.
"Have Been Unavoidably Detained By World" = win!
Many were very good, but that is my choice. Thank you.
I want a Shoggoth's pint glass please! :D
the "Are you the man with a lime?" tee should have "Show us your lime, then" on the back.
Brilliant, beautiful ideas all
I like 'Cats', 'Dream Dangerously' and the line drawing best. Although the 'I Believe in Neil' is also genius.
Couldn't the Neverwhere Map be made so as not to infringe copyright, proving you don't use the EXACT London underground map? The Royal Shakespeare Company produced a map of Shakespeare mug and tea towel which took the tube idea and altered it for Shakespearean plots. You could probably either do the basic tube map structure with black lines and gothic fonts or alter the structure but use similar colours to the tube lines and a similar font. Having said that, it would be worth checking with TFL as they are known to enforce copyright quite strictly.
Or on a similar theme - a black tube sign shape with 'Neverwhere' on it and something cool on the back?
Richard Mayhew drawing door on London wall
Dream Dangerously!!!!
Snow Glass Apples swag would be amazing
and "Everything comes down to foxes" is great
k guys, I think this contest is over for now so I wouldn't bother with continuing to vote.
Dream Dangerously!
My name was mentioned in the NEVERWEAR blog!? w00t! Cat(s) rock(s)! So does Fabulous Lorraine I suspect.
So many are so awesome. Wow. The top few that I liked:
-Have been unavoidably detained by the world.
-Dream Dangerously
-The illustration of Yvaine and Tristan
-A map of London Below
-Ben's Croup & Vandemar t-shirt
-Cats don't need names.
-The fan's belief
-Dream Dangerously
My vote(s):
The rat song - fantastic idea, would be really great. Needs to be a nice spidery text though.
The Stardust quote: Have been unavoidably detained by the world. Maybe with an illustration of some sort.
The Stardust picture. However, the characters are just a little too anime for the book, I think.
The London Below map.
The "I eat only one food, and it is not bananas" T wins, hands down.
I like the Macabray and the Neverwhere London Tube (if legal) best.
The beer and pub have the best crossover/design potential I think. Both fun, but I vote for slaughtered prince of the two.
I admit I'd probably buy most of them!
Is the London Underground map really a copyrighted image? Are public services protected under copyright?
Also, if you added some extra stations (is that the suggested idea?), would it not then therefore be parody or homage?
Definitely a Coraline shirt of some kind, if you're not going to do Neverwhere.
And the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar! Maybe on a pint glass?
There's already been at least one version of the tube map:
i am so impressed by your creative minds, people.
as for the Neverwhere tube station, thanks so much HEMISPHERE for the info on the cafepress site...
meanwhile, we have the crackshot Olga on the job of designing the Coraline cat tee. And Veronica finally surfaced to claim her prize. She didn't seem too excited about winning! oh well, I am excited about her design.
They're all great ideas! I would love to see that "I believe in Neil" shirt or the Shaggoth's design on a pint glass.
Hi Kitty Cat!
The Shoggoths old peculiar beer logo apparently drawn by Ethan(?) is really cool. Can I use this as slightly modified for a non-commercial t-shirt print?
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