I can always count on Neil's readers to bring smart to the party & be funny at the same time.
thank you all.
I am (despite the cat naysayers) going to crown
VERONICA the queen of the contest.
she won with her suggestion of :
On the front, "Cats don't need names..."
And on the back," We know who we are."
got the most commenting back and forth.
(and it was a personal favorite of your ol' miss Kitty)
although with entries like these....yeow, the choice was tricky.
Ethan's SHOGGOTH will show up down the line, in some incarnation.
pint glasses have been a thought all along, just have to research packing & shipping so
they don't come out the other end in a shower of glittery broken bits...
and i WANT a JACKS tee, thank you @Jesteram.
there will be many upcoming contests to look forward to-
will usually announce them via TWiTTER.com (@Neverwear)
but will repost here & on the various social outlets...
in related news:
this is the winner of the FAVORITE FRAGILE THINGS QUOTE contest:
'we save our lives in such unlikely ways'
something we can all live by.
she will get this homemade recycled comic-book magnet:

I know I have told the story, but once more, I had a flood and lost a huge chunk of comics to water damage (look how old that Spidey was!) and just couldn't throw them away. So i dried them in the sun and began to save the panels that needed saving.
I cut the glass, which is rescued from the cast off bins at my local Baller hardware...and I use recycled bits for the backing too.
(name the products?)

the new contest up until Monday is:
please send me your entries at NEVERWEAR@GAIMAN.NET
the winner will receive this:

@Kinravipmade me laugh with this tweet: What a dumbass you are, Mr. Sinister! The Devil ALWAYS reneges. That's how he got the job!
to which i responded: haha, mister sinister always did seem a bit one-dimensional... and apparently easily duped... but what great make-up!
Now must tend to Drew (@thinkceltic) who just returned late last night from the final load-out of Coachella. I made him let me take photos of his hands, it looks like he just crawled out of a grave filled with razors and charcoal. Poor bruised and battered roadie! Quiche never looks this destroyed after a gig...do you, Q?
Canada Dry ginger ale and Premium saltines! I knew that 7 years of trademark and advertising would serve me someday.
Well, maybe St Pats I look that bad! But mostly I have people like Drew to take the bullets for me...We would be lost.
Those magnets are so nifty, an amazing way to recycle really!
I was so busy re-reading fragile things I never got around to sending you my fave quotes...
You want it? You can have it! Now, I'm off to move into a haunted house.
ooh i AM impressed with you "unimpressed"--
maybe i make them harder to identify.
I don't get much Saltine/ ginger ale action around here, that is strictly a home remedy from my Mom,
when we were sick, that was our cure...but i was sick after visiting Lorraine in the Frozen Tundra, and that was what I got myself..
YES! I see a new t-shirt in my future!
(Says she who has been called 'cat' most of her life, has a "kitty" Aspect, and goes be many names.)
You know. . ."Dream Dangerously" would work wonderfully as a button/pin.
you are oh so right Ariandalen, thanks for that----xo
It's been a good long while since I read "Smoke and Mirrors" - I remember my favorite story being the one about the porn model ... and it was the first one I read, that night in NYC two years ago.
Felicidades a Veronica - meaning, Congrats, Veronica. That is a great idea, for sure (or, as Maddy would say ... fo sho).
Take care of your man! Wish I was witty enough to enter your contests but I have other skills. Give Drew a hug from me!
Gracias, EmilyLady. Yo soy muy emocionado sobre la camiseta. Y yo tengo gramatica muy mala. Tres anos de espanol en la escuela!
be entertained
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