this little DNA collection kit came from Reading Reptile Labs in Kansas City, they want to store all the best children's book authors genetic material to put on display...

interestingly enough, it is not the first time Neil has been asked for his DNA.
this next offering arrived in a sleek black packet, a sample of Quotable cards for Neil, from the kind Dallas in NYC. The cover of their catalog has a comforting quote from the Buddha:
When words are both kind and true, the can change the world.

a belated 2009 calendar from Geek Calendars arrived from Julia in Worchester, MA:

from Ashley, who attended the Amanda show at LA's legendary Troubadour, (which i am still sad that Jonas tour took me away from) this adorable photo of her posing as Delirium and a copy of her film PRINT:

last night, I dreamt I was night-rollerskating in a spooky park. This package is where those dream seeds came from...
from Indiana's NapTown Roller Girls, courtesy of Toni, a box chockfull of treats, no tricks. The calendars feature foxy derby girls with names like Smackie Onassis (i had to take it away from Drew...twice):

Toni also put in some glittery cat toys for all the Gaiman kitties and this fetching knit Cyclops creature:

I think I will send the whole team a box of Neverwear tees for them to cut up and model for the site. Thoughtful and goodlookin' derby queens!
miss Kim from NY sent the FabulousLorraine some clever handknit cat toys for the Bengal party of 4. However, before I could put them away, young Selina Kyle helped to unwrap them, if you look carefully you can see her needle sharp teeth marks on the packaging. I have them in the freezer now, as that is the only place she hasn't yet figured out how to infiltrate. (correction, the two small adorable kitty voodoo dolls were made by KRAFTY with all apologies from Kylie who mixed them all up like the tornado blender that she is)

speaking of the kitten, I have been making more jewelry and she was really trying to be helpful:

there will be more...
Great post! I like the bit about my present best, and OF CURSE, our baby, Miss Selena Kyle!!!!!
If ever a cat belonged in the tree house with you and Batman, it was her.
See you Monday! And no, I don't think you should bring her. Trouble will come of it....
"Of CURSE?" Where did that come from???? Teach me to type lying down..
Cats love Helping with handcraft... btw, here is my Dana helping my with some jewelery...
not only Lorraine and typos... LOL
"helping ME with some"
but I have the excuse I'm a Brazilian trying to write in English after 11pm LOL
Not to be a meaniepants, but the two cat toy kitties in the middle of the, I made them. I'd love to pass on the pattern to anyone who wants it.
not mean at all!
I would love to be able to make it... Dana and Trinity would love new it difficult?
more awesomeness. i am most a used by the dna request, and that it isn't the first. something fishie about who killed ap and dna samples from mr gaiman...just saying.
ooohers more bracelets! i love mine:)
i do seem to recall reading a blog from the awesome roller derby chicks about the knitted kitty. very awesome :D
and i am such a sucker for those quote magnets/cards. i have a ton of the in little frames all over the apartment.
have fun on your trip to spooky house !!!
Strings! Beads! Shiny!
I completely can understand Selina's fascination with your work...
My mind went to a place of wrongness at the thought of people "requesting" Mr. G's "DNA".
Krafty, I deeply apologize, this is the nature of cats, they are wily. Truth is, I think that while Kylie was helping me to unpack, she had all the cat toys in her corner, I wasn't quick enough. (WHere are those kitty handcuffs?) it is my sincere belief that she was planning to use the black one as a tiny Batman voodoo doll and she bewitched me...
and Danth/Vampi, as I was typing that DNA section, i thought, now who is going to spin it in that direction??! of course, it would be you two!!
Quichey, what is weather like??? please say SNOW!
I am going in for the correction!
Kewl and beautiful.
Oh, jeez, don't worry about it. Aline, if you want to email me, I'd be happy to send you the pattern.
The kitties do make excellent voodoo dolls. Not that I'd know from experience or anything. Ahem.
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