a foxy artcar with a foxy artist leaning upon it:

a pinky ring came from young Sara in Saskatewan for Neil that I covet:

Tyler wearing his Scary Trousers tee so well....

getting-big miss Selina Kyle helping out with the mail call, in her own p.o.box:

i thought i had announced the #teapix winner:
grande prize:
@shonaP87 Don't you wish that sometimes your tea leaves would be just a little more specific?

contact me for your prize!
this little Vampirella magnet went out to Nikki K for her entry of favorite comic book character (there were so many great entries)
she got me with her love for Destruction of the Endless, who has always been one of my favorites...(Sherpa, thought you'd enter with Conan!)

so back to the subject of the new website...
Olga Nunes (the former WebElf) and Dan (the present WebGoblin) have been working for over 7 months to get the live & shiny new NEVERWEAR site ready for you lovely readers...
The WebGoblin Dan is doing Guest of Honor handling at Balticon, I am in Vegas for the weekend, Neil is somewhere off the grid (i miss him, but you can see an stunning moonbeam photo of him w/Cabal by by Kyle Cassidy), Olga is out giving song-filled interviews,
Dr. Wicked is working on updating my furrytiger site...it is exactly like a hive of bees, but we don't sting so much and Quiche is the queen....
in other news:
we are about to announce this new Coraline cat tee designed by Olga, watch the skies for the website to go live...hopefully today:

That tee-shirt looks very nice!
And Kylie is just so cute (and she knows it, I think)
kylie is precious.
wow kyle did take a wonderful picture of boss and cabal. just magical.
whee shirt :) i shall click away
ooooh, and that car is AMAZING. i love people with weird cars. i always stop to take pictures.
ok, new site is live, all...a baby Gemini website named www.neverwear.net
Dan & Olga ...the happy parents!
so happy!
shirt purchased :) site is lovely, but check out the i believe page, aqua writing on the grey background is unreadable.
the navigation is nice, and i liked the option to subscribe to alerts after purchase.
thanks Vampi for finding boo boos -- let us know any others!!
Awww Miss Kylie looks so happy!!! And BIG! I knew she would be,just as I knew she was not my cat, but YOURS, and belonged with Batman in the Treehouse.
Can't wait to see the new site!!!
Ohhh...that is a must have shirt. I love that Kylie gets to star in both your blogs.
Off to new website and to order shirt...
Awww. Kylie looks so cute! :)
It also looks like she's thinking, "Yeah. I'm in my box. What about it?" ;)
Off to see new and improved site!
mybe we should rename the box of ticks to the box of kylie
Please love will you (a lady that is also well endowed) please model the cat shirt? I'm afraid the cat may have an enlarged head... :)
lol i didn't even think of that. i will post a pic once i get my shirt if kitty hasn't.
and not really related but... today i purchased a rhomboid of optical calcite. it has the property of being double refractive. to demonstrate i picked the nearest book, which happened to be coraline. and i opened it up the the page this shirt references we don't need names
Ohhh, I love those spooky moments Vampi!
that is hilarious and Truly valid point, missStacy--the shirts are being printed now, so when they arrive, i shall have a model put one on. I tell you, i asked Olga to move the design from the bottom half of the shirt, because a boob shadow would cover it. har har
and Vampi, you are one cool character..
I Believe page=repaired!
At Balticon we were discussing the intersection of Neil fandom and cat ladies, and how that new shirt hits the sweet spot. ^_^
Hiya, not sure what the best way to contact you is but I will leave a message here and on twitter and hopefully it will get to you. I'm the #teapix girl! shonapenny@googlemail.com to contact me!
What a darling gesture; that darling girl giving away one of her most precious treasures to her favorite writer! I do hope your boss does the proper thing and writes her a handwritten thank-you note. I was taught that the only polite thank-you note is a handwritten note.
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