I am putting up a contest, with the winner getting a solidly gorgeous signed-by-Mr.-Neil-Gaiman limited edition SAUCERS print. (We only have about 75 of these prints left! you can still buy them HERE)
{note: they come unsigned though, which is why you want to give this contest a crack...get out your thinking caps...}

I am thinking of where and how to market this clever new shirt, and i thought I would ask you clever people.
One example i already got, advertise in Cat Fancy magazine.
That's good, but let's do some lateral thinking.
You can either:
a. email me the ideas here: neverwear@gaiman.net
b. post comments here on the blog
c. go to to twitpic and comment on this photo , i will receive the comments as a twitter...
You have a week, on June 4th, I will post ideas here and we can pick the finest of the fine.
thanks all.
here is the tshirt:

get the jonas brothers to wear it on stage during their tour. the screaming girl audience would be good subject for shirt and book.
serious answer...pick a cat charity and donate $5 with each shirt purchase.
also, they have cat shows, cat shows have programs, put an advertising spot in the program, or pick a big cat show, like this one cfa iams cat championship and sponsor a prize for the winner.
Great idea vampi!
Can't you guys get the editor to sell it in special packages with Coraline? It is a quote from the book, if I remember correctly.
Give one to John Scalzi and get him to tape bacon to it...
Hi Kitty,
on a more serious note,
1. Selling via cat rescue sites (with a small donation going to the shelter)
2. In light of recent Boss blogs, get Mr Neil to wear one (possibly while holding, or at least standing near, one or more of his cats) and to tweet it. It would have rarity value as a 'He isn't wearing all black' picture, ausing it to generate much retweeting and spreading the word...
3. You could offer some of the shirts free to book-bloggers for them to offer as prizes on thier blogs, which would get you links from people who might otherwise not read this blog
4. See whether local cinemas / video stores / indy bookstores would be interested in selling them together with the Coraline book/dvd
And, of course, get Q a supply to sell at Fiend-dom come next month ;-)
(Word verification = catism - how appropriate is that?)
Make a icanhascheeseburger graphic, submit to their website. millions of people will see it.
alternatively hit up every "ooh look at my cute kitty" website.
also twitter armies are also quite powerful spreading the word machines. and we buy stuff. :)
I like the "getting famous musicians to wear it on stage" idea. Because getting Sheldon to wear it on "The Big Bang Theory" would take too long, what with the delay between taping and airing.
Vampi!, what a grande plan---
we do have huge audiences coming to these shows...
the screaming fans hit a decibel level higher than a jet engine...true fact!
you are all inspiring me...
and Danth, shouldn't you be sleeping!?
i do love the idea of Boss in a white tee, not only would it be a collectible photo indeed, but it would surely bring out his eyes...
thanks for the great ideas, all.
1. send out some of the t-shirts to a chosen few, preferably of a certain reputation seen to hang out with @neilhimself like @amandapalmer, etc (oh and get Alan Moore to wear one, too) and have them wear the shirts on photoshoots.
2.Oh,and send me one,too ;)I could be seen wearing it till the 13th of July on each and every day and...okok...
3.or you find some comic artist who agrees to make the shirt the trademark of one of his characters (how about a geeky girl with glasses and a super-pen and a ferret side-kick and...okok)and people who love the comic and the character would be thrilled to be buy the shirt.
You should see if you could get any of the "teen vogue" magazines or Lucky to use it in a photo shoot about combining fashion with literacy, and you should also send it to sites like Jezebel and XX Factor to see if they would incorporate it into articles about strong female role models.
Also you should get one of the Coraline 7" dolls and make a mini version for the doll to wear, do a "fashion shoot" and send that photo ready-for-print out as a press release and "announce" the shirt. (Also send and another one with a live person wearing the shirt and holding the doll)
The novelty factor will give you an up in getting print and pixels.
Also Bookstore promotions for the summer storytime readings that they do at stores. Have Neil minions do storytelling sessions and have the shirts there.
Developing Mustaperhonen's idea Nr. 3... get http://www.wapsisquare.com/ use the design on one of the characters, because Pablo is a fan of Neil Gaiman's, and because it's a webcomic updated on almost a daily basis, while using a comic artist who publishes printed material would take too long...
But I'd never think of that on my own. The copyright to this idea belongs entirely to Mustaperhonen.
I don't like the look of my Open ID...
I'm marmota-b on the net.
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