writing as @Neverwear
the newest contest up is to win this Vampirella magnet:

I want to know your favorite comic book character and why.
Will leave this up until Sunday May 17th (day after my brother’s bday!)
Last week’s contest was to tell me your favorite ANANSI BOYS quote.
winner Dawn from Canada submitted this (as did Em, but 5 days later):
"You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could."
this Sandman magnet is going across American borders to live with her:

and the winner of the week before was the lovely Muted Dragon,
correctly identifying where this comic panel originated:

she wrote in:
World's Finest, issue #175
May 1968
Featuring "The Superman-Batman Revenge Squads!"
now do you see why I spilt many a diamond tear over my water-logged comic collection?
oh well, i gave them new life as art...
you all really seemed to like the “name the comic” contest.
...maybe another one of those next week?
meanwhile on the case of #100K Twitter contest that Neil posted. The winner was @Middlesmith
with the entry of "There was a hand in the rain, and it held a milk bone..." riffing on the opening line of GRAVEYARD BOOK.
I did a "doodle" of this entry and posted it on the GILLIAN ANDERSON (Scully from X-Files) charity website My writing partner Ethan did one as well.
I love his version of The Drunken Angel, an old Japanese classic.
And here is the link to the entire auction, including a doodle by Clive Barker...meow! (do you think i covered all the bases??) Please help them out and bid....
Olga Nunes, our resident design queen, who lives in London and runs The Fabulist
is hard at work with Dan Guy/Web Goblin to make the new Neverwear site come alive.
We are waiting patiently. The amount of work is triple, nay quadruple than first thought, sorry web geniuses...
Olga is also designing the “Cats don’t need names....we know who we are” tee, from Neil’s haunting CORALINE. It looks gorgeous so far, we are just working out logistics & should be able to announce it shortly.
now off to finally finish my Aquaman/genii tattoo. photos soon!
you are a busy Kitty!
You have to come over for a saucer of milk before you leave me...
This new site sounds amazing. I can't wait to see it. ^_^
Ooooh another tattoo!
Me Juli!
am going to VEGAS to see Drew & he is getting me in to see the CHER show. HOLLA!
DG, you are amazing, haha, can't thank you enough and as i always love any chance to say this: the check is in the mail.
Nata-law, just finishing it up, it is too puffy to photograph yet, but SOON...
It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***erfe
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