I was out with Neil and Quiche in the beginning of October, visiting bees, dogs and all manner of people. Quiche took me to a stellar Halloween store, and she conveniently "forgot" her wallet...haha! (of course she paid me back, silly) She always takes me to the best hidden-away little spots, sort of like my sister does, but in a mid-western style. We went antiquing and we came home and made dinners, and all the while, Boss wrote and wrote. He came up with one of my favorite new stories, when will that be available for public viewing...?
wolfman and his dog.

before our walk...

during our walk...

and after...

it's hard to out-shine this Cabal, but miss Maddy managed just fine.
Quiche before she sang her heart out to the good people of Stillwater:

it snowed on Quiche's orders, just for my birthday present:

but Drew still came to get me in LA with the top down:

on the way to take Neil to his plane to China, we stopped at MPR, Minneapolis Public Radio and he read like a king over the airwaves, he really was royal. Did anyone hear it? Even the man at the controls, who seemed unflappable, was impressed.

Every year, Neil gets a cool ballot from the Spike TV people to vote on their annual SCREAM Awards. (This year the ballot had a lenticular 3D cover, and as many of you know, I have an obsession with all things 3D) They always invite him to come to the show, but China trumped that idea. Nicely, they offered me Neil's tickets and I went with Drew. We met the producer's assistant Xaque in a gas station parking lot down the hill from the Greek Theater, it all was very cloak and dagger...
When we got there, the first people we saw were Sully and Shannon from Godsmack (the first band I ever toured with back in 2001...) they were in town recording their new album...

Megan Fox, the great looking cast from True Blood, Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, George Romero and Jackie Earle Haley were just some of the faces milling around, and we sat four rows behind Quentin Tarantino, who almost never stopped talking, bless his blabbly heart.

the stage was a take off on Alice in Wonderland, complete with a wacko iron rabbit and flaming staircase. They previewed a clip of Tim Burton's take on Lewis Carroll's classic, and it looks incredible. The Icon Award, which Neil won two years ago, went to Stan the Man Lee, and they floated him out over the crowd in a Spider hovercraft. What a great sport and a big doll that man is.

Spike TV hosted the after party at Hollywood Forever cemetary, and we went and had wine among the grave stones...

Next it was a week of helping out Red on the Sony lot as they feverishly prepared for the big Michael Jackson film release. Drew worked on the summer rehearsals of the tour, doing lighting, so he got to see some of the dancing that now the world is witness to on THIS IS IT.
Then on to the big premiere night. I saw the film two nights in a row and was ready to see it again a third time. I remember when I was on tour this summer and Drew called me and said, we don't know, but something happened to Michael, the news broke all our touring hearts, not just for the unfinished project, but for the loss of a legend. Luckily, there is a whole new generation of Jacksons coming to carry the crown.
outside, it was Jackson mania:

I had worked with Corbin on High School Musical, so fun to see everyone looking so good and dancing to MJ.

aren't i the nicest girlfriend to take these?

Drew with singer Judith:

Jozie was in town so she and Sofie joined us:

on Halloween, we went old fashioned trick or treating down in San Diego:
Drew & his son Sean, Luke Skywalker...i still say Drew shoulda been Chewie!!

so now I am ready for November, and am getting ready to put out the newest Neverwear print, a Jim Lee/Neil team up that is beautiful and heartwrenching, stay tuned! also we have the I BELIEVE in girly tees in stock, sizes L and XL, which are more like a medium and a large, but these are American Apparel styles...so...they run smallish.
also I owe you a Neil Mailbox, i promise to put it up when i get back home.. I'll leave off with a preview--- a most amazing and aerodynamic mobile sent to Neil, from Miss Miriam... a close up of the intricate detail and a further-away view..

Never would have survived it without you my friend. And of course, i would have no proof I was even there if you didn't come ready to take photos!
of course you woulda silly!
but as always, a great time following you around.
Now, why do I have a feeling of déjà vu there?
HOW did I miss this blog post??? Pretty darn wonderful!!!!!!!!
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